secrets of russia by company, matryoskha stools
carnet de lumières
center, lampe bouclette by francois azambourg
pivoting crane lamp by gijs van vaerenbergh
the artist has made luminiscent a construction crane,
turning the utilitarian object into a slow moving lighting fixture
emitting a bright white glow for this urban public art intervention
installed in leuven, lovanio, belgium, belgio
carnet d’art
fields of light at uluru, niea ayers rock, australia. 250,000 stems of light
by bruce munro
left, twilight epiphany by james turrell, near the shepherd school of music
on the rice university campus, houston , texas, usa
accommodating 120 people on two levels, the space is acoustically equipped
for musical performances as well as a laboratory for music school students.
constructed of grass, concrete, stone and composite steel,
the pyramid-like structure is equipped with an led light performance
that projects onto the ceiling and through the 72-foot square knife-edge roof,
open to the sky. turrell’s composition of light complements the natural light
present at sunrise and sunset, and it transforms the skyspace into a locale
for contemplation and reflective interaction
with the rest of the campus and the natural world
right, ‘untitled (woven portico)’ by nicolas feldmeyer, ph nick rochowski
the london-based artist employs existing architecture to create new spaces
through the integration of contrasting materials.
this latest work is a site-specific installation in which he has woven mesh between the columns of the portico
of the central building at the university of college (ucl) in london
notre dame de chartres, ph miguel rotschild, from the serie happy believers
carnet de landscapes & urbanism
left, the ancient ruins in the northern greek port city of thessaloniki, greece
it is a section of an ancient road built by the romans
that was city’s main travel artery nearly 2,000 years ago.
the marble-paved road was unearthed during excavations for new subway
and will be raised to be put on permanent display for passengers
ph nikolas giakoumidis
right, havoisund tourist route by reiulf ramstad architects
a winding concrete ramp to facilitate walking from the roadside
down to the seaside in havøysund, norway
“the objective is quite simply to single out and magnify the experience
of walking from the roadside down to the seaside at this very special place.
therefore a chief concern was to slow down this movement
and make the path itself a means of refocusing the experiential mode:
a measured, restrained approach that creates awareness
carnet de wall and floor covering
from left
carnet de photos
flying houses by laurent chehere
from the serie love letters by jiang zhi, at m97 gallery, shanghai, china
carnet d’expos
alighiero boetti, game plan. at moma, new york, until october 1
olaf hajek: african beauty, black antoinette
on show at gestalten space, berlin, germany, until july 29
carnet de musées
musée jean cocteau, collection séverin wunderman, menton, france
face au rivage de menton et intégré au site, le bâtiment conçu par rudy ricciotti
peut accueillir l’ensemble des œuvres issues de la donation séverin wunderman.
inspirée par les multiples facettes du génie de jean cocteau
qui qualifiait son œuvre d’objet difficile à ramasser,
l’architecture du musée se veut multiple, morcelée,
parfois insaisissable à l’image de la façade extérieure du bâtiment
fondazione bisazza, montecchio maggiore, vicenza, italy
in occasione della sua apertura ufficiale, fondazione bisazza presenta
fino al 29 luglio
john pawson plain space, una retrospettiva sulle opere di john pawson
in collaborazione con il design museum di londra
fondazione studio museo vico magistretti, milano, italy
la fondazione invita chi possiede un oggetto disegnato da magistretti
a partecipare alla mostra il mio magistretti,
la cui inaugurazione è prevista per 16 ottobre 2012.
un progetto nato per raccontare le tante storie degli oggetti di vico
dal momento in cui diventano parte della casa e della vita di persone diverse.
attraverso i materiali di archivio e il contributo di storici del design
sarà ricomposto il contesto storico culturale degli oggetti in mostra
e prenderà vita un nuovo archivio fatto di racconti e fotografie
di proprietari di oggetti che vorranno condividere la storia e le storie
left, la casa del suono, parma, italy
chi entra nella casa del suono,
progetto nato dalla collaborazione tra casa della musica e università di parma,
inizia un’avventura nella dimensione tecnologica del suono.
ospiti nella ex chiesa di santa elisabetta, si ha modo di riflettere
sul nostro modo di ascoltare e intendere la musica
attraverso un percorso sulla storia e l’evoluzione degli strumenti
per la riproduzione del suono dal fonografo all’ipod
right, fondazione achille castiglioni, milano, italy
la fondazione, anche con l’apertura al pubblico dello studio museo,
intende offrire ai visitatori la vista degli artefatti progettati dall’architetto e
far conoscere l’iter progettuale con il quale achille ha realizzato le opere.
compie ricerche, acquista, conserva, comunica, espone a fini di studio
documenti e oggetti relativi al suo lavoro e al futuro sviluppo del design
carnet de livres
michel delsol, in a zen temple, galerie hamiltons, london, uk
edgar allan poe’s tales of mistery and imagination
the book was printed on handmade paper, bound in vellum, and lettered in gold
but its cost was mainly due to new illustrations:
24 full-page drawings by young irish illustrator harry clarke,
whose ink illustrations brought Poe’s characters to life with mesmerizing detail
the last carnet
left, desmid algae (micrasterias denticulata) (150 micron)
right, bacteria biofilm (500 micron)
mark mawson
creates his photos by dripping acrylic paint into a fish tank full of water.
using a macro lens, he captures the ink before it’s fully dissolved into the water
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