carnet de voyages
marocco, morocco, مغربي
carnet d’architecture
stadtmuseun rapperswil-jona, switzerland , ph d.marc wehrli
extension and renovation by :mlzd
fink house, sydney, australia, project ian moore architects
carnet de urban design
carnet d’installations
mobile lamp by nathalie dewez
mudam, musée d’art contemporain du luxembourg (project i.m.pei)
carnet d’hotels
the harrington, the one bedroom hotel, brighton, england
chateau monfort, milano, design sofia gioia vedani
carnet de livres
grand larousse, sculptured books by guy laramée, ph guy lartamée
from top left, clockwise
flavio caroli, storia della fisiognomica, ; roberta cordani, passeggiate milanesi, ; cantine secolo XXI,; aggie mackenzie, kim woodburn, la bibbia del pulito,; luca montersino, piccola pasticceria salata,;
federica de luca, i luoghi di cavour, ; /
carnet de design
carnet de lumières
the rewash lamp project by tò martins
made from salvaged washing-machine parts on a photographer’s tripod, adjustable-height bases in a range of finishes, topped with a selection of lampshades decked out in a rainbow of colors, materials and textures. ph nuno cerveira
carnet de photos
oliviero toscani, houses at oppdal, north of oslo, norway
vittorio giannella, gaudì style home of willy garcìa and luisa herrero
playa negra, costarica
carnet de tissus et tapis
soft fold cabane by marie dessuant and margaux keller
at next cabane exhibition, fabrica group show, mudam, luxembourg
musée d’art contemporain du luxembourg , until june 10
rings by david trubridge, traces collection for hemptech
j&v700 by jannelli & volpi
left, love et hate, broderies posées sur les bras du fauteuil mitch. hand-embroidered, brodée à la main, inspirée par le film la nuit du chasseur de charles laughton. projet hélène barrier avec caroline bourgois et joo moo . .
center/right, traces de mémoire, de foret et d’arbres, by cc-tapis
lane organiche dell’himalaya non tinte e seta
carnet d’art
costanza algranti e lucia sanmarco pennetier, galleria antonia jannone milano
floaty, mechanical advantage and cold comfort quilt by ted larsen
carnet d’expos
right, ingredients of reality, the dismantling of new york city, by lan tuazon
storefront for art and architecture, new york, until april 7
left, l’ultima carovana, un viaggio fotografico lungo la via della seta
mercati di traiano, museo dei fori imperiali, roma, until march 11
center, mimmo paladino | dedicato a cesare pavese, until march 3
a + a | centro espositivo sloveno, venezia
sonia delaunay, atelier simultané, 1923-1934, gouache su carta
fondazione marconi arte moderna e contemporanea, until march 31
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