carnet de notes 558

Cavi d'acciaio, nastri elastici, acrilici fluo, lampade. E' il materiale servito per realizzare Modern pattern, una installazione artistica con il pubblico dentro ma a distanza di sicurezza. Modern pattern è una visualizzazione di nuovi rituali umani per tessere relazioni sociali insieme-soli, dove azioni e immagini vengono fissate in una disposizione ben definita. L'installazione "Modern pattern" di Benedetta Mori Ubaldini e Roberta Savelli realizzata per "Walk in studio 2020" è un dance floor accompagnato da musica costituito da una struttura ripetitiva che definisce una struttura comportamentale sociale


https//Instagram .com/roberta_savelli

 carnet de notes 558

carnet de notes by paolo rinaldi,,

0039.3495087344, @paolorinaldi,


left, London studio Alison Brooks Architects has been named architect of the year at Dezeen Awards 2020

right, Chinese architect Gad Line Studio has won the emerging architect of the year award at Dezeen Awards 2020

Located in one of Seattle’s most established residential areas, City Cabin’s design answers the client’s desire for a private urban retreat that would connect her to nature. project Olson Kundig

Built by Heinrich Flügel in 1895, the Villa Hammer is a stately neo-baroque villa in the Kleinbasel-neighborhood next to the Wettstein-Square. Despite being listed, the building was completely rundown since its last owner died and victim to a series of poorly executed renovations that destroyed large parts of the original interiors

Following the client’s assignment, the old villa was gently renovated and complemented by a newly constructed building in the rear. Two architectural offices – a team from Herzog & de Meuron and the architecture-duo Sauter von Moos – at different times yielded their specific contributions to the project, as they were responsible for both its design and execution

Giuseppe Perugini e Uga de Plaisant, la coppia dimenticata dell’architettura. Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi ripercorre storia e progetti di Giuseppe Perugini e Uga de Plaisant, interessante coppia di architetti caduta nell’oblio


this project is by  Studio GHA4U for a single-family home set in the hillside overlooking the Gulf of Imperia. A corner arrangement of the Asolo seating system, a pair of Tessa armchairs and Pico and Fly coffee/side tables comfortably furnish the area adjacent to the wood-paneled fireplace

Agora Office / SCEG Architetti

Agorà (in ancient greek : αγορ%u03AC, from αγε%u03AFρω = gather, meet) it's the term used by the Ancient Greece to indicate the principal square of the polis: political, legal, religious and economic place. This was the main point used to conceive a modern working environment for lawyers that interprets classicism in the contemporary world. It’s a space that is perceived like an archetypal, legal and absolute place as the agorà, one of the first spaces dedicated/related to jurisdiction in Ancient Greece

hotels, restaurants and bars

enter projects presents its newly completed interior installation for spice & barley at riverside in bangkok. the sculptural rattan work is designed for client minor international who seeks to introduce innovation and eco-awareness, while embracing the heritage of the local context. the initial concept of the restaurant lounge centers around the historic local tale of adventures of three sisters, may, zaza & fei who were born in sichuan decades ago. as the design team explored the story in depth, a design narrative was formed, connecting the past and present in a complex web of free flowing, statuesque rattan structures

the project of The Infini bar by Estudio Futura transformed a traditional restaurant in Largo do Arouche, downtown São Paulo, called La Casserole. The intervention used materials and layout to create a dialogue with the speakeasy-style bar architecture, featuring a secret entrance at the back of the restaurant and a limited number of seats. The design preserves the old stained-glass windows that separate the hall from the restaurant, which creates a focal point inside the most important area of the new space: the bar

restaurant by Formafatal, Prague, Czech republic, ph BoysPlayNice

The establishment of the Formafatal studio in 2015 was accompanied by the design and implementation of the interior of the Argentinian restaurant Gran Fierro I in Voršilská Street in the centre of Prague


left, ellie, bar, storage unit, wood & casted brass, by matteo cibic, DesignMiami, Patricia Findlay Gallery / Scarlet Splendour

right, Disegnato da Giulio Iacchetti, Pinocchio è un prezioso vetro soffiato di Murano. Omaggio a uno delle icone più rappresentative dell’italianità nel mondo, il Pinocchio di Internoitaliano, sposta l’attenzione dal suo tipico materiale, il legno, e diventa un elegante vetro colorato in tre differenti misure

left, furnishing outdoor spaces with the multiple varieties of Pave Stones by Kreoo. Pave Stones recall the color of nature and become part of it |  

right, the familiar collection, developed by j.mayer h. and partners for vermeil, presents a family of 16 stools divided into four series The pieces are structured in naval plywood and laminated with brazilian woods imbuia, freijó and jequitibá and lso “laca”

poltroncina con tessuto a righe e corde/attaccapanni di mohd

Art Twenty One presenta Floor One 9, il nuovo progetto espositivo che coinvolge artisti, artigiani e designer con l'obiettivo di creare spazi comuni in cui arte, artigianato e design si intrecciano per mettere in mostra tutto ciò che di incantevole può offrire l'Africa. Un appello alle sue meraviglie e una sfida alle dinamiche culturali dell'identità sociale
Art Twenty One presents Floor One 9, an exhibition involving artists, artisans and designers with the aim of creating common space in which art, craftsmanship and design work together to show all that is enchanting about Africa. A call for its celebrations while challenging the cultural dynamics of social identity

prima linea di cartoleria dedicata a Enzo Mari, realizzata da Danese Milano in collaborazione con Cartiere Pigna

a carpeted chair by Max Lamb from the 2020 Design Academy Eindhoven graduate shows,

left, la caratteristica forma morbida e arrotondata dell’amaretto ha ispirato i designer di Sicis Interiors per creare una linea di sedute avvolgenti e divertenti

right, the Michelle Dining Chair here in Natural Ash and Black Chrome. Upholstered with the new Cognac Leather. by sp01design


In autunno/inverno il letto si stratifica con volumi, texture e tessuti caldi e naturali. Una serie di novità soprattutto nella collezione di coperte e plaid 


moving dunes by NOS is a large-scale mural in montreal that seems to warp the street


Mikiko Tomita, Cell #3, 2016. Porcelain, glaze, pigment, gold, glue, glass beads, at lai sun keane, new york


Al MoMA di New York inaugura Broken Nature. Ovvero la XXII Triennale di Milano. Presentata nel 2019 come mostra principale della XXII Esposizione Internazionale della Triennale di Milano, l’esposizione che esamina il rapporto tra Uomo e Natura attraverso la lente del design viene inaugurata al MoMA

Ella Kruglyanskaya, Brushed On (4WN), 2020, Oil on linen. Bortolami, New York. Art Basel Miami Beach, Online Viewing Room


MoAE – Huamao Museum of Art Education, Ningbo, China, project Alvaro Siza Vieira and Carlos Castanheira

"Small on the outside and immense inside. A Museum must be big. Inside.
A Museum must be bright. Inside. The Art Education Museum is a small Museum that is immense inside. Leaning against on the hillside, its undulating form hovers above the ground. This diversity in routes and the interconnection of spaces makes this small building vast inside. Its volume is equally challenging. From the exterior it is suspended above the ground as it undulates in its metal cladding". Carlos Castanheira

ShuiFa Info Town Property Exhibition Centre, Jinan, China

aoe has arranged four volumes clad in white perforated panels into shuifa info town property exhibition center in jinan, china. located in the changqing economic development zone, 20 kilometers away from the city center of jinan, the building is designed to host residential sales expos, property expos, and offices. its main structure comprises the four, slightly-tilted volumes, which, at night, glow with elegant cultural motifs


Connecting the Dots la più grande opera d’arte di illuminazione mai realizzata. Con più di 1500 lampade a Led distribuite in 600 luoghi, mille punti di luce rossa del diametro di 90 cm. nel cielo e più di 20 mila alle finestre, l’installazione copre più di 80 Km2. Eindhoven è avvolta in un fascio di luce blu con mille punti rossi, fissi e galleggianti. Questo incredibile spettacolo, visibile a 60 Km. di distanza, è opera dell’artista della luce finlandese Kari Kola, che nel 2018 ha illuminato il sito archeologico di Stonehenge in Inghilterra. Mentre i mille punti rossi, palle luminose completamente riciclabili, sono state  create dall’artista olandese Ivo Schoofs e simboleggiano la connessione tra la gente. Tutto, ovviamente, si può vedere da ogni parte del mondo in streaming:


Steve Fitch, American Motel Signs II. Stories behind the Images


The Thousand Lives of Cindy Sherman. The star of American photography, Cindy Sherman, is given pride of place at the Vuitton Foundation in Paris. Her show features a multitude of mises-en-scène that caricature our society

From one day to the next : Antoine d’Agata


Apre a Milano la Defhouse, la prima Concept House in Italia e al mondo dove gli abitanti, 8 giovani influencer, vengono stimolati in continuazione a coltivare il proprio talento. Un vero e proprio hub/luogo di formazione per i ragazzi. Una casa dove i protagonisti non sono gli abitanti ma il suo stile, il suo modo di comunicare, i suoi ambienti e la sua voglia di educare e sensibilizzare il mondo dei ragazzi verso temi importanti. Colori saturi e fluo, “Instantfriendly”, riprendono sotto una nuova luce l’anima più accesa del filone postmoderno attraverso oggetti e arredi dal forte impatto visivo, utilizzati per catturare la fuggevole attenzione dei social,


carnet de notes by paolo rinaldi
online weekly magazine 30/11/2020
(travel, viaggi, architettura, interni, design, hotels, ristoranti, bar, luce, arte, mostre, foto, fashion, installazioni, musei, teatro)
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