carnet d’architecture
carnet de galleries and showroom
carnet d’hotels
camera con serra bioclcamera d’albergo con serra bioclimatica
hotel room with bioclimatic conservatory
project pure by massimo flaborea for presotto contract
carnet de restaurants et bar
carnet de design
right, the kisai seven, a tron-like watch that displays the time via pulsing led rings. a slightly darkened segment along each ring depicts the place of the hour (inner ring) and minute (outer ring). an l-shaped light segment along the wrist indicates the number of minutes
center, bosco, un tagliere da cucina che diventa supporto per ipad
bosco, a kitchen cutting board which becomes support for ipad
design andrea ponti,
carnet de food design
“among my favorites – a salmon and tuna tartar covered with creme fraiche and garnished with globs of salmon roe and fields of chopped chives that made the presentation looked like a design for marimekko left”
carnet d’art
from top left, clockwise
brandeburger to, u-bahn, cuckoo, bretzel, torta solare, piedi con scarpe, chiave d’albergo
all by fabrizio sclavi, acrilico on hard paper and photoshop/painting
carnet d’expos

frammenti di città, 4 mostre, assab one, milano, until november 25
from left
rendering the city by giovanni haenninen,
left, mischer’traxler: (mis)using what is there, novalis fine arts, torino
a cura di maria cristina didero, until december 6
center, natural forms, galleria rbcontemporary, milano, until november 18
ceramic sculptures by zsolt joszef simon, , ,,,,
right, michele de lucchi, tavolini, antonia jannone gallery, milano
from december 1 until january 14, 2012
center, i buoni e i cattivi, simone ferrarini
fusion gallery, torino, a cura di maria cristina strati
right, postcard from… lara almarcegui
un progetto di marcello smarrelli a cura di vincenzo de bellis
fondazione pastificio cerere, roma, from november 10 to january 28, 2012
left, espejo de aguas, from los carpinteros, handwork-constructing the world
colectivo de artistas cubanos los carpinteros, rodriguez/castillo
es baluard, museu d’art modern i contemporani de palma, mallorca, spain
carnet de foires
from dutch design week, eindhoven,
silent revolution, contemporary design in slovenia,
left, chair by rok kuhar, katiusa kranijc
center, siti armchair by arne vehovar for zilio aldo
right, lajit chair by janez suhadolc
carnet de spa
the last carnet
ads from the past for the present/future
with a bit of nostalgia
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